Composition of the drug per 1 ml:
Active ingredient:
bioactive concentrate of small marine fish 0.1 ml;
phenol no more than 0.005 g,
water for injection up to 1 ml
Pharmacological action
Pharmacotherapeutic group: tissue repair stimulator of natural origin
ATX code: M 09 AH
Pharmacological action
Alflutop is a chondroprotector, the active component of which is a bioactive concentrate from small marine fish. The concentrate contains mucopolysaccharides (chondroitin sulfate), amino acids, peptides, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc ions.
Alflutop prevents the destruction of macromolecular structures of normal tissues, stimulates recovery processes in interstitial tissue and articular cartilage tissue, which explains its analgesic effect.
The anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration are based on inhibition of hyaluronidase activity and normalization of hyaluronic acid biosynthesis.
Both of these effects are synergistic and cause activation of regenerative processes in tissues (in particular, restoration of the cartilage structure).
Active ingredients
The active component of the preparation is a bioactive concentrate from small sea fish (North Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus sprattus), herring family (Clupeidae);
Black Sea whiting (Odontogadus merlangus euxinus), cod family (Gadidae);
Black Sea puffin (Alosa tanaica nordmanni), herring family (Clupeidae);
Black Sea anchovy (Engravis encrasicholus ponticus), family of anchovies (Engravidae) obtained by extraction followed by deproteinization and delipidization.
Alflutop is used in adults with primary and secondary osteoarthritis of various localization (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, small joint arthrosis), osteochondrosis and spondylosis.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
It is contraindicated to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding period.
Children under 18 years of age (due to the lack of clinical data in this category of patients).
Side effects
Side effects are grouped according to the WHO classification of the frequency of adverse reactions: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10000 to <1/1000), very rare (
Rarely: itchy dermatitis, redness of the skin and burning sensation at the injection site, short-term myalgia. Very rare: development of anaphylactic reactions. The frequency is unknown: with intra-articular injections, a transient increase in pain may occur.
Not identified to date.
How to take, course of use and dosage
For polyosteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis, the drug is administered deep intramuscularly:
– 1 ml per day, the course of treatment is 20 injections (1 injection per day for 20 days)
– 2 ml every other day, the course of treatment is 10 injections (1 injection every other day for 20 days).
In case of predominant damage to large joints, the drug is administered intra-articularly 1-2 ml in each joint with an interval of 3-4 days. A total of 5 – 6 injections in each joint per course.
A combination of intra-articular and intramuscular injection methods is possible.
It is advisable to repeat the course of treatment 6 months after consulting a doctor.
Overdose increases the dose-dependent adverse drug reactions.
Colorless or slightly brownish-yellow, or slightly yellow, transparent liquid.
Special instructions
In case of individual intolerance to seafood (sea fish), the risk of allergic reactions increases.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms
The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially dangerous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).
Storage conditions
Store in a dark place at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.
life is 3 years. Do not use an expired product.
Active ingredient
Bioactive concentrate from small sea fish
Conditions of release from pharmacies
By prescription
Dosage form
solution for injection
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