Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
Recommendations for use
In order to prepare the infusion, you need to take about 20 grams of leaves and flowers of the plant, then pour a glass of hot water. Insist the composition in a water bath for up to 15 minutes, then cool. This will take you approximately 45 minutes. You can take two tablespoons several times a day.
Mix one spoonful of badan and elecampane leaves and two tablespoons of St. John’s wort. Pour one spoonful of this collection with 200 ml of hot water, boil over low heat for twenty minutes, and then insist for another hour. You need to take the remedy for a quarter of a glass twice a day in hot form, you can add Sea buckthorn oil to the infusion. In this way, you can quickly cure a strong runny nose.
A decoction of badan in folk medicine can be used to take sedentary baths, which are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The bath temperature should not exceed 38 °C, and the duration should not exceed 20 minutes. The number of baths is not more than 15.
You can also prepare a healing tea. To do this, add a black badan leaf to the mixture of herbs from which you prepare tea. Where can I get it? The old leaves of the plant, which are located at the bottom, periodically die off, then they dry out and become black in color. It is these black leaves that you need. It is better to break them off at badan in the spring. It is from such old, at first glance unusable leaves that have lain all winter under the snow, and the famous Altai tea is prepared, which is very tasty. It has healing properties thanks to these leaves. Why should I drink this tea? It perfectly eliminates physical and moral fatigue, has very strong restorative properties for the body.
Badan is brewed a little longer in time than black tea. This is because its leaves are much thicker than tea leaves. It is possible to improve the quality of taste and effectively transfer the active ingredients to the infusion, bring the composition with the leaves to a boil, but do not boil, that is, do everything as when brewing coffee.
If you take a decoction of badan roots for a long time, you can provoke constipation. Do not drink tincture and decoction of badana in patients suffering from increased blood clotting.
Preparations created on the basis of dietary supplements strengthen the walls of capillaries, lower blood pressure, and are used for diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. The plant effectively treats uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding. Diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, bleeding gums are also treated with badan infusion.
Badan thick-leaved is a perennial herbaceous plant. Badan grows mainly on wet slopes, is common in forests, and is found in river valleys.
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