Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
The plant contains minerals, B vitamins, carbohydrates, bitterness, retinol. All elements help to increase the body’s defenses and restore metabolism.
A decoction made on the basis of Icelandic cetraria is recommended for people with the following diseases:
- bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis;
- intestinal disorders, diarrhea;
- impotence;
- mastopathy;
- gynecological disorders;
- obesity;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- allergies;
- insomnia.
Icelandic Cetraria is an excellent immunomodulatory agent that everyone who has undergone surgery and long-term antibiotic treatment should buy and use.
Recommendations for use
To make cough tea, take a teaspoon of moss and thyme, brew the collection in a glass of boiling water, strain. Drink 250 g of the resulting broth three times a day before meals. If you have stomach pain, you can prepare a drink in a water bath. Pour three tablespoons of dried raw materials with a liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat, simmer for 15 minutes. The resulting product in the form of jelly drink once a day on an empty stomach.
Description Iceland cetraria is found in Australia, Africa, Europe and Asia. The plant is a cross between an alga and a fungus. Lichen takes root well in the pine groves of Altai, grows in the tundra and swampy areas of Karelia. For a favorable existence and distribution of lichen requires exceptionally clean water and air.
Cetraria is used not only in medicine, but also in cooking as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes. Collection is carried out in the summer. Since ancient times, tincture of Icelandic moss has been used to treat pneumonia, whooping cough, and pleurisy. The components that make up the lichen kill tuberculosis bacillus. Moss is also prescribed for people with skin diseases, for the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, allergic reactions or burns.
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