Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
Recommendations for use
For treatment, you can make tea, decoction or tincture. The cooking method depends on your preferences.
To prepare the broth, pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of grass roots or stems. Allow to infuse the product for an hour. Strain the broth before use. Drink tea should be one glass half an hour before meals. If there are no other instructions from the attending physician, the course of treatment should not be less than a month.
To prepare the tincture, pour 50 g of dry raw materials with one liter of vodka. Infuse the medicinal drink in a dark, cold place for one month. Take the tincture of 30 drops diluted in water 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
The main feature of the herb is the fact that it restores the body at the cellular level. The Rhodiola gelida serves not only as a healing agent against many diseases, but also prevents their development. Conventional medicines eliminate only the symptoms of the disease, and this plant eliminates the cause of their occurrence. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, thanks to which the body is rapidly rejuvenated.
Four-membered rhodiola-another name for the Rhodiola gelida – acts synergistically in a mixture with Hog uterus. The combination of these unique medicinal herbs serves as a preventive measure against cancer.
Let’s list what diseases and pathological conditions this herb will help to get rid of. Among them: :
- pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonefrit and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
- hormonal disturbances, thyroid disease;
- impotence in men and frigidity in women, infertility, uterine fibroids, polyps, endometriosis, polycystic disease;
- cancer;
- cold, flu, and other infections;
- atherosclerosis;
- intracranial pressure;
- epilepsy, neurosis and other diseases of the nervous system;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- fractures and other injuries.
Rhodiola gelida herb increases immunity, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates dysbiosis, so doctors recommend buying it and drinking a decoction from it after long-term use of antibiotics to restore the natural intestinal microflora.
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