Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
The plant contains glycosides, starch, tannins, a complex of amino acids, calcium, iron, iodine and other trace elements that take part in the formation and development of the body.
It is recommended to take the tincture of this medicinal plant in the following cases: :
- hyperhidrosis is a plant regulates the function of the sweat glands, relieves tension and reduces sweating;
- chronic fatigue – due to the rich composition Sabelnik (Comarum palustre) tones, improves circulation and invigorates perfectly;
- poisoning, working in hazardous industries, living in adverse environmental conditions, the plant is rich in antioxidants that remove toxins and neutralize free radicals;
- purulent diseases, the inflammatory process on the skin – thanks to the antiseptic properties of the root of Potentilla quickly eliminates the body of harmful bacteria and restores the protective force;
- stomach pain, gastritis, colitis – tannins Potentilla relieve pain in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- infertility in men and women – buy white Potentilla root for brewing it is recommended that persons with impaired reproductive function;
- menstrual pain – the plant has analgesic effect, normalizes the production of female hormones, not only eliminates the pain, but also treat the cause of their appearances;
- the lack of libido in men – Sabelnik (Comarum palustre) stimulates the production of testosterone, restoring erectile function.
Regular use of the infusion or decoction can eliminate nodular formations of the thyroid gland, as well as reduce goiter.
Recommendations for use
Pour a tablespoon of crushed Sabelnik (Comarum palustre) roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the product has cooled, strain it and place it in a glass dish. It is recommended to use the broth 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.
Belaya lapchatka grows in the European part of Russia in the Volga region. The plant prefers shady terrain, so it is most often found in dense forests. Due to the constant reduction of woodlands on the territory of our country and widespread deforestation, this medicinal plant is becoming less common.
For three centuries, people have known the beneficial properties of Sabelnik (Comarum palustre). In pharmacology, the rhizomes of the plant are used, from which a highly effective tincture is made for the treatment of the thyroid gland. According to clinical studies, medications based on this plant quickly normalize the hormonal background and significantly improve the well-being of patients.
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