Key symptoms for prescribing the drug: pain; edema; burning sensation.
The basis for prescribing the drug Apis mellifica can be all edema of an allergic or inflammatory nature:
-local character (insect bites, burns of I degree, palpebral edema, swelling of the external female genitalia, post-traumatic swelling, inflammation of the foreskin, boil in the initial stage, phlebitis of superficial veins and periflebit after etiological findings, excluding thrombophlebitis or phlebothrombosis);
-General (solar erythema, polymorphic photodermatosis, urticaria, erythema multiforme, angioedema);
· allergic origin (plants, food, medicines);· caused by food intolerance or drug toxicity;· cholinergic urticaria, often of unknown origin;
* urticaria of physical origin – prurigo caused or aggravated by contact with water;· contact urticaria (plants, cosmetics, occupational allergic diseases).
It is necessary to conduct an etiological study of severe acute urticaria and chronic urticaria to ensure that the allergen is eliminated and avoid the occurrence of serious anaphylactic manifestations that require appropriate treatment.
Otorhinolaryngology edematous rhinosinusitis;
pharyngitis and sore throat of non-streptococcal origin with edema of the uvula of the soft palate. Reduce sore throat from cold water.
Ophthalmology conjunctivitis, chemosis.
Rheumatology post-traumatic hydrarthrosis and acute inflammatory arthritis with pink-red edema.
Infectology pleurisy and pericarditis of viral origin, sometimes in combination with allopathic therapy; usually with fever, there is a lack of thirst.
Urology interstitial cystitis with reduced urine output, increased protein content in the urine, puffiness without thirst, anasarca.
Gynecology pain associated with the appearance of milk;
pain associated with ovarian cysts;
inflammation of the ovaries (especially the right one).
Neurology headaches or vasomotor migraines.
Apis mellifica is prescribed when there is an obvious improvement in the treatment of pain with cold compresses; in physiopathological terms, the appointment is justified by the presence of inflammation with an edematous component, which accompanies vasomotor disorders.
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