dryness of the mucous membranes;
hyperemia, including the face;
fever, sweat;
throbbing pains;
spastic pains (at the very beginning and at the end – sudden).
Main cases of clinical use
Infectology rhinopharyngitis, non-streptococcal sore throat*, incipient laryngotracheitis;
dryness of the mucous membranes, often accompanied by spasmodic phenomena in the area of the affected mucous membranes (dysphagia, dry cough);
congestive otitis media (throbbing pain in the ear);
abscess in the process of formation;
scarlet fever;
fever with hyperemia, fever, sweat.
Prescribing a medicinal product follows the basic principles:· the greater the similarity between the patient’s reactions and the pathogenetic properties of the drug, the higher the dilution used should be, and vice versa;· the interval should be increased as it improves.
Cardiology headaches associated with arterial hypertension;
hypertensive crisis.
Gynecology hot flashes during menopause.
Ophthalmology acute or chronic conjunctivitis with severe photophobia, conjunctival hypervascularization and dry eyes;
the syndrome of “dry eye” of various etiologies (including menopause, prolonged stay in the room with air-conditioned, the syndrome Guzera-Sjogren);
intolerance to contact lenses because of the dryness of the conjunctiva;
photophobia, especially after the expansion of the pupil for examination of the fundus.
Additional clinical cases of use brain hemorrhage with a feeling of heat and redness of the face;
headaches with or without fever;
first-degree burns;
smooth muscle spasms, erythema solaris, radiodermatitis (starting and ending suddenly);
hepatic or renal colic;
tendon-muscle tremor.
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