Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
- drone homogenate;
- lactose;
- glucose.
Healing milk from the Altai Republic is rich in protein; has a complete set of amino acids; unsaturated fatty acids, which protect the body from viruses (including tick-borne encephalitis), natural hormones – testosterone, progesterone, estrone and estradiol, is necessary to maintain reproductive function of male and female body; the vital micro and macro elements (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iodine, sulfur, silver, and others), which are involved in cellular metabolism.
- of unexplained infertility (male and female in the complex therapy);
- dysfunction of the genital organs (the frigidity and impotence);
- benign prostatic hyperplasia; prostatitis;
- climax;
- atherosclerosis and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease;
- underactive thyroid;
- a weak immune system and, as a consequence of the failure to confront the virus in the season of cold and flu;
- neurotic and stress, prolonged depression;
- osteoporosis;
- Work of a mental or physical nature;
- to reduce muscle pain in athletes during intensive training;
- impaired concentration in children, developmental delays;
- impaired cell metabolism (obesity, dystrophy);
- risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis (prevention and elimination of consequences);
- restoration of vital energy, vigor for the elderly.
Recommendations for use
The contents of the capsule should be placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed. It is not recommended to drink the drug.
Royal jelly should not be taken with high blood sugar, Addison’s disease and lactose intolerance. Do not take capsules before bedtime, as they increase activity.
How to take, course of use and dosage
The daily dose for children is 1/3 capsule. The duration of the prima is 3-6 weeks.
The daily dose for adults is 1-2 capsules. Take 1-2 times a day for half an hour before meals.
With high sports loads, it is possible to increase the dosage of the drug to 4 capsules per day.
Altai drone milk is an adsorbed drone homogenate with the addition of lactose and glucose. This is a unique preparation containing a complete set of amino acids, vitamins of group B, A, E and D, unsaturated acids, natural hormones (progesterone, testosterone, estrone, estradiol), micro-and macronutrients.
The product has an antioxidant and antiviral effect, contributes to the normalization of the reproductive system, improves the condition during menopause, suspends the aging process.
Functional features of
- the components of the drug provides the nutrition of the cells;
- helps to relieve fatigue, anxiety, improve stress resistance and reduce nervousness;
- due to the acceleration of metabolism in cells with long-term use slow down the aging process of cells;
- improves health at menopause (reduces sweating, reduces the tides, helps normalize sleep);
- enriches the body with calcium, strengthens bones, reduces the risk of injury when falling;
- it has a positive effect on fertility, normalizes the level of sex hormones;
- used in hypothyroidism to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- resistant to viruses of different etiology including tick-borne encephalitis, therefore, recommended the use of the drug may-Jun.
Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of +5 to +25 degrees and a relative humidity of less than 75%
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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