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Biolit Pantobiol 1 balm, 200ml
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Individual intolerance to the components, increased excitability, arterial hypertension, insomnia.
It is recommended to consult your doctor before use.
Extracts of cranberry and cranberry berries, echinacea grass, rhodiola rosea and Eleutherococcus roots, maral antlers, Kuril tea shoots, kopeechnik roots, aralia, marshmallow, leucea, geranium leaves; water, sugar, citric acid, sodium benzoate.
Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicine.
Extracts of cranberry and cranberry berries, echinacea grass, rhodiola rosea and Eleutherococcus roots, maral antlers, Kuril tea shoots, kopeechnik roots, aralia, marshmallow, leucea, geranium leaves; water, sugar, citric acid, sodium benzoate.
Pharmacological action
Pantobiol-1 prevents the development of age-related conditions and diseases, has a proven anti-aging effect, activates the body’s internal reserves and restores physiological functions. Maral antler lipids increase overall resistance to diseases caused by infections, unbalanced nutrition, adverse working conditions, stress, or poor ecology. : – phospholipids play an important role in conducting nerve impulses and restoring nerve cells, – triglycerides are a source of energy, – sterols stimulate sexual function and prevent the development of hormone – dependent benign and malignant processes, – glycolipids stimulate physical and mental activity. Plant extracts complement the adaptogenic and stimulating properties of antlers: – lingonberry improves the activity of hematopoietic organs, prevents the deposition of fat in the liver, is a natural antioxidant, normalizes the functions of cell membranes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It has a mild sedative, antipyretic and diuretic effect, helps to increase the overall tone of the body, improve the functions of the hepatobiliary system, heals ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, increases visual acuity;- cranberry is a natural antioxidant, enhances the secretory function of the salivary glands, pancreas, stimulates the release of gastric juice in patients with insufficient secretion and low acidity of gastric juice, has an antipyretic effect, removes slags;- aralia, rhodiola rosea and Eleutherococcus have a mild psychostimulating effect, increase physical and mental performance, increase attention, learning ability and intelligence, improve bioenergetics and create new energy resources, stimulate immunity and regeneration processes, in patients with diabetes mellitus normalize the level of glucose in the blood. An important effect of these plants is adaptogenic —an increase in non-specific resistance to the action of any adverse factors;- Kuril tea shoots (leaves, flowers and young branches) have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, hemostatic, expectorant and choleretic effects. Kuril tea eliminates dysbiosis (including staphylococcal etiology), normalizes metabolism;- kopeechnik roots have a tonic effect, improve the functioning of the heart; – echinacea herb is known for its antimicrobial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and hemostimulating properties;- marshmallow roots have a pronounced expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect due to the high content of mucus; – essential oils of geranium leaves are known as an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic, antispasmodic agent. PANTOBIOL-1 is RECOMMENDED TO BE TAKEN IN COMBINATION WITH PANTOBIOL-2+ FOR: – PREVENTION OF AGE-RELATED DISEASES (reduction of mental and physical activity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and degenerative-inflammatory processes, osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. ); – restoration of memory and attention function, including on the basis of vascular diseases of the brain and traumatic brain injury;- improving mental and physical performance after suffering serious illnesses, asthenic conditions, during periods of intense intellectual, physical or emotional stress (for students during the session, for high school students when preparing for exams, with an intensive lifestyle, frequent jet lag);- restore functions after paralysis; – increase speed and strength indicators in sports, accelerate recovery from sports injuries, reduce the manifestations of competitive stress; – activate the protective functions of the immune system and the body as a whole;- improve sexual potency, restore and prolong active sexual life;- improve fertility due to a positive effect on the neurohormonal regulation of reproductive function;- accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration, wound healing after surgery, bone healing after fractures.
Recommendations for use
1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day (in the morning), pre-dissolved in 50-100 ml of water. The duration of admission is 2-3 weeks.
Individual intolerance to the components, increased excitability, arterial hypertension, insomnia. It is recommended to consult your doctor before use.
Product form
Bottle of dark color 200 ml.
Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of not more than 25 °C and humidity of not more than 75% in a place protected from light, out of reach of children.
life is 2 years.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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