One suppository contains:
Active ingredient:
Bisacodyl-10 mg
Basis for suppositories:
Solid fat (Vitepsol, brands H15, W35, Supposir, brands NA 15, NAS 50) — before receiving a suppository weighing 1.25 g.
Pharmacological action
Causes irritation of the intestinal receptor apparatus, has a direct effect on the intestinal mucosa, increasing its peristalsis and increasing mucus secretion in the large intestine.
It is not absorbed in the intestine. It is a prodrug, in an alkaline environment hydrolysis occurs with the formation of a metabolite that has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The action takes place within the first hour.
Constipation due to hypotension and sluggish peristalsis of the colon (in particular, in elderly patients; constipation after surgery, childbirth). Regulation of stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures.
Preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and radiological examinations.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Use the drug with caution in pregnant and lactating women.
Hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, pinched hernia, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, metrorrhagia, cystitis, spastic constipation, acute proctitis, acute hemorrhoids, children under 8 years of age.
With caution
Hepatic and / or renal insufficiency.
Side effects
Allergic reactions, irritation of the rectum, intestinal colic, diarrhea, which can lead to excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes and, consequently, to the development of muscle weakness, seizures, hypotension.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Rectally, once a day. Suppositories are inserted deep into the rectum.
Adults and children over 14 years of age: 10-20 mg (1-2 suppositories).
Children aged 8-14 years: 10 mg each (1 suppository).
Children aged 2-7 years: 5 mg each (1/2 suppository).
In the case of prescribing a drug for cleaning the intestines in preparation for surgery or X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, Bisacodil is prescribed in the evening 10-20 mg (2-4 tablets) orally and in the morning 10 mg (1 suppository) rectally.
Symptoms: diarrhea, dehydration, impaired water and electrolyte balance, hypokalemia, atony of the colon. Treatment: symptomatic.
Special instructions
Bisacodil should not be used for long-term treatment of chronic constipation.
Form of production
Rectal suppositories
Storage conditions
At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C
life is 2 years. Do not use the product after the expiration date.
Active ingredient
Dosage form
rectal suppositories
Pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor, Nursing mothers as prescribed by a doctor, For adults, Children over 8 years of age
Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Preparation for ultrasound and X-ray of the abdominal cavity
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