Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
1 effervescent tablet contains:
Active Ingredients:
succinic acid,
calcium D-pantothenate,
pyridoxine hydrochloride,
Auxiliary ingredients:
acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium bicarbonate),
stabilizer polyethylene glycol,
dry guarana extract (10% caffeine),
passion fruit flavor,
sweetener aspartame,
Active ingredients
How does it work?
Taurine is an amino acid produced by the natural interaction of cysteine, methionine and cysteamine. It is a sulfur-containing amino acid, which is most abundant in nerve cells, as well as heart muscle tissues. An in-depth study of taurine has shown that it has a powerful tonic, restorative and health-improving effect. Taurine has a positive effect on the phospholipid composition of cell membranes, normalizes the exchange of potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium at the cellular level. It has anti-stress properties, regulates the release of certain hormones (prolactin, epinephrine) and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is involved in the metabolic and neurotransmitter processes of the brain. Taurine controls the production and nature of nerve impulses, helps to normalize the water balance, and promotes optimal functioning of the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant, which allows you to quickly and painlessly remove toxins for the body. In addition, taurine has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, eliminating excessive hunger. Setting up all these processes is necessary for weight loss, and the Perfetta Energy Diet is the first step on the path to slimness and an additional dose of energy for the body tired of strict diets.
Succinic acid-accelerates the complex metabolic process of converting glucose into energy. It is necessary for proper cell respiration, good metabolism, and providing the brain and other organs with the necessary energy. It is produced in small amounts in the body of a healthy person and has a pronounced antioxidant, antihypoxic effect, removes toxins, and protects the body from the adverse effects of the environment. Succinic acid is irreplaceable for people living in a megalopolis – when intellectual, psychoemotional, and physical loads are increased, and resistance to various diseases is reduced. The need for this product is huge and always relevant, since even a healthy body is not able to produce more than a certain amount of it – about 200 grams per day. All this accumulated baggage is immediately spent in the organs that are most in need of energy exchange. But often this amount is not enough for cells, and then they wear out and age faster. Succinic acid will help the body to withstand the adverse effects of the environment and regulate the physiological state of the body. In addition, by increasing energy exchange, succinic acid reduces the size of fat cells, eliminates edema, promotes the release of toxins and increases oxygen consumption by cells, which are the main oxidizer in the fat burning process.
Caffeine is the most popular alkaloid, a central nervous system stimulant, with a wide range of physiological effects. Increases activity and concentration. It stimulates the release of adrenaline, thereby increasing the level of fatty acids in the blood, which, in turn, gives an additional amount of energy to the body, without using more valuable glycogen. As a result, the body does not feel a loss of strength, even with chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. Even when overeating, when your body is persistently drawn to the sofa. Caffeine enhances and regulates arousal processes in the cerebral cortex, enhancing positive conditioned reflexes and increasing motor activity. The stimulating effect leads to an increase in mental and physical performance, reduction of fatigue and drowsiness, increased attention and concentration.
Inositol is a vitamin-like substance produced by the body for 75% of the daily value. Inositol is involved in metabolism, increases the activity of enzymes, amino acids and trace elements, stabilizes the circulation of lipid groups, stimulates the production of phospholipids, which help to remove bad fats from the liver. In addition, by interacting with lipid-protein groups in the blood, inositol protects blood vessels from atherosclerosis. Regulates the balance of copper and zinc in the body-the main “nervous” minerals, promotes the restoration of nerve tissues in the brain and spinal cord, normalizes sleep, and relieves anxiety. It enhances the protection of cells, reduces the permeability of the shell, prevents its destruction and penetration of unwanted substances through it. Inositol stabilizes the protein structure under various types of stress, thereby increasing the functionality and survival of the body’s systems under stressful conditions.
B vitamins play a vital role in a number of key body functions, including energy production, brain and nervous system function. They improve performance and endurance.
Our Energy complex contains the most important vitamins from this group – niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and cyanocobalamin, which are most actively involved in the energy production process and support the body in stressful situations.
Vitamin PP-commonly known as niacin, vitamin B3, is a member of the group of B vitamins and is involved in many redox reactions, carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in cells, and the formation of enzymes that provide cells with energy. This vitamin takes part in more than 50 enzymatic reactions, promotes the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Niacin helps to reduce blood glucose levels and increase liver glycogen stores, normalizes cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it affects the expansion of capillaries and arterioles, increases the speed of blood flow, and increases the frequency of heart contractions. Normalizes brain function.
Pantothenic acid-better known as vitamin B5, a water-soluble element found in all cells of our body. Like other B vitamins, this element plays an important role in energy metabolism. It also acts as a coenzyme for the production of energy in chemical reactions, participates in the production of useful energy from carbohydrates and fats coming from food. The vitamin also plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the digestive tract, thereby helping to increase our immunity. Pantothenic acid is involved in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA). In general, pantothenic acid can be called a vitamin and the architect of a slim figure. It stimulates the heart and brain activity of the body during nervous overload, chronic fatigue, strenuous work, strict and unbalanced diets, excessive exercise. In addition, vitamin B5 triggers the process of lipolysis — the release of fat from adipocytes (fat cells) to further accelerate fat burning. This creates additional energy needed to protect the body from stress.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – participates in many aspects of macronutrient metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis (serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, GABA), histamine, lipid synthesis, and gluconeogenesis. At the level of protein metabolism, pyridoxine is necessary for the mutual conversion and metabolism of amino acids. This process allows you to maintain a dynamic balance in the body and prevent a decrease in the metabolic rate. In addition, vitamin B6 accelerates the conversion of dopamine into norepinephrine, and glutamic and aspartic acids into succinic acid, thereby significantly increasing the speed of energy processes in cells. This means that under the influence of vitamin B6, all cells are renewed in a shorter period of time, maintaining youth and activity of the entire body.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – one of the most important water-soluble vitamins, a coenzyme of many biochemical processes. Improves brain activity, stabilizes mood, repels the attack of free radicals, participates in providing the body with an additional amount of energy. It provides essential energy and oxygen support to healthy cells, providing a surge of strength and vigor.
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – promotes the production of blood cells. Participates in the regulation of protein metabolism, the production of amino acids and nucleic acids. It enters the body only with food and dietary supplements. B12 prevents cells from experiencing oxygen starvation and maintains normal blood pressure. Participates in ensuring the vital activity of spinal cord cells, affects the processes controlled by the nervous system, controls emotions, prevents depressive states, relieves insomnia, improves cognitive abilities. Regulates energy exchange in the body.
Guarana-a climbing vine of the genus Paullinia (Paullinia), contains biologically active substances caffeine, multivariate mixtures of xanthine alkaloids, including pacemakers theophylline and theobromine and other substances such as polyphenols-catechins and epicatechins. Guarana also contains vitamins B, A and E. Increases brain activity and endurance, helps with excessive physical exertion, prevents rapid fatigue and chronic fatigue, improves mood. It accelerates metabolic processes in the body, enriches cells with nutrients and oxygen, reduces appetite, removes toxins and excess fluid.The caffeine in guarana is absorbed much more slowly than in its pure form, thereby helping to maintain energy and vigor for a longer time.
Recommendations for use
Adults take 1 tablet daily with or after a meal. Dissolve the tablet in a glass (200 ml) of drinking water before use.
It is recommended for use as a dietary supplement – an additional source of vitamins B2, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic acid. Contains succinic acid, taurine, caffeine, guarana extract, inositol.
Duration of admission: 1 month. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
It is not a medicine.
Individual intolerance to the components, phenylketonuria. It is not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as persons suffering from increased nervous excitability, insomnia, arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, glaucoma, severe atherosclerosis.
What problem does it solve?
– accelerates the conversion of fats and fast carbohydrates into energy
-increases performance
– reduces fatigue and drowsiness
-promotes the restoration of nerve tissues
Energy enhancement of the weight loss effect!Instant effervescent tablets for making a drink with a pleasant fruit flavor.
- accelerates the conversion of fats and fast carbohydrates into energy;
- increases efficiency;
- reduces fatigue and drowsiness;
- promotes the restoration of nerve tissues.
Nutritional value
The energy value of one lozenge is 7 Kcal/29 kJ.
Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children at a temperature of +8 to +25°C and a relative humidity of not more than 70%.
life 2 years from the date of manufacture
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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