For the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee or hip joint of mild to moderate severity.
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Add to wishlistFor the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee or hip joint of mild to moderate severity.
With caution: in patients with signs of impaired venous or lymphatic outflow in the lower extremities.
1 ml of the product contains:
Active ingredients:
hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, stabilized 20 mg. Â
Auxiliary substances:
0.9% sodium chloride solution.
1 ml of the product contains:
Active ingredients:
hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, stabilized 20 mg. Auxiliary substances:
0.9% sodium chloride solution.
Hyaluronic acid belongs to a small group of substances that are the same for all living organisms. It is a natural polysaccharide that is part of all body tissues, and it is found in particularly high concentrations in synovial fluid and in the skin.
Duralan consists of biosynthetically produced stabilized and purified hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid in the body is a natural component of synovial fluid, which in joints serves as a lubricant for cartilage and ligaments, and is also a shock absorber.
Synovial fluid in joints affected by osteoarthritis is known to have a lower viscosity and elasticity than synovial fluid in healthy joints. Injecting hyaluronic acid into the joint to restore its viscosity and elasticity can reduce pain and restore mobility in the joint.
Clinical studies show an improvement in the patient’s condition, which is expressed in a decrease in pain in the knee joint and an improvement in joint function compared to the initial state within 6 months after the injection. If necessary, repeated courses of treatment may be prescribed.
Clinical studies show an improvement in the patient’s condition, which is expressed in a decrease in hip pain and an improvement in joint function compared to the initial state within 6 months after the injection.
For the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee or hip joint of mild to moderate severity.
With caution: in patients with signs of impaired venous or lymphatic outflow in the lower extremities.
In the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint: Â transient pain, swelling, restricted movement in the knee area.
 Severity of side effects:  mild to moderate with an average duration of one week.
In the treatment of hip osteoarthritis: Â exacerbation of pre-existing pain syndrome, restriction of movement in the hip joint for up to 12 days. Only a small number of patients require the use of painkillers or NSAIDs.
Recommended dose: 3 ml (one syringe) per knee or hip joint. The course of treatment requires a single injection of the drug. Treatment of hip osteoarthritis Intra-articular injection into the hip joint should be performed under X-ray control (preferably with the use of radiopaque substance) or under ultrasound control in order to ensure the correct position of the needle in the joint cavity. When the needle is inserted, local anesthetics are recommended. The injection into the hip joint should be performed by a doctor who has experience with this type of injection. The recommended needle length is 130 mm No. 18-21.
Duralan should be used with caution in patients with signs of impaired venous or lymphatic outflow in the lower extremities. The Duralan study was not conducted in pregnant women, as well as in children. For bilateral treatment, separate syringes should be used for each knee or hip joint. Do not use local painkillers if it is known that the patient has an allergy or hypersensitivity to local anesthetics. Do not perform an injection into the hip joint under X-ray control using radiopaque substances, if it is known that the patient has an allergy or hypersensitivity to radiopaque substances. General precautions for intra-articular injections should be observed. DURALAN ® should only be administered by a doctor in a medical facility in a room equipped for intra-articular use of drugs. When the drug is administered, the rules of asepsis should be strictly observed. The injection site should be treated with a swab with alcohol or other appropriate antiseptic before use. Access for drug use should be chosen in such a way as to avoid damage to nearby vital structures. DURALAN ® should be administered only in the joint cavity. Before use of the drug, it is necessary to remove the effusion from the joint, if any. The same needle should be used to remove the effusion and administer DURALAN. It is recommended to use needles between 18G and 22G of sufficient length. The drug is intended for a single use and should not be subjected to repeated sterilization. It must be used immediately after removing the syringe from the package. If the blister pack or syringe is damaged, then the drug should not be used. As with other invasive treatments, excessive exercise (such as playing tennis, running, or walking for a long time) should be avoided during the first two days after the injection. You can expect a transient reaction to the drug use: pain and / or swelling, restriction of movement of mild or moderate severity during the first week after the injection. If these symptoms persist for more than one week, then you should consult a doctor.
Viscoelastic sterile implant for intra-articular injection
Store away from sunlight at a temperature of 20°C to 30°C, do not freeze.
Sodium Hyaluronate
solution for injection
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