Enalapril is an ACE inhibitor. It is a prodrug from which the active metabolite enalaprilat is formed in the body. It is believed that the mechanism of antihypertensive action is associated with competitive inhibition of ACE activity, which leads to a decrease in the rate of conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II (which has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect and stimulates the secretion of aldosterone in the adrenal cortex).
As a result of a decrease in the concentration of angiotensin II, a secondary increase in plasma renin activity occurs due to the elimination of negative feedback during renin release and a direct decrease in aldosterone secretion. In addition, enalaprilate seems to have an effect on the kinin-kallikrein system, preventing the breakdown of bradykinin.
Due to its vasodilating action, it reduces OPSS (afterload), jamming pressure in the pulmonary capillaries (preload) and resistance in the pulmonary vessels; increases the minute volume of the heart and load tolerance.
In patients with chronic heart failure, long-term use of enalapril increases exercise tolerance and reduces the severity of heart failure (evaluated according to NYHA criteria). Enalapril in patients with mild to moderate heart failure slows its progression, and also slows the development of left ventricular dilation. In patients with left ventricular dysfunction, enalapril reduces the risk of major ischemic outcomes (including the incidence of myocardial infarction and the number of hospitalizations for unstable angina).
When taken orally, about 60% is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Simultaneous food intake does not affect absorption. It is metabolized in the liver by hydrolysis to form enalaprilate, due to the pharmacological activity of which a hypotensive effect is realized. The binding of enalaprilate to plasma proteins is 50-60%.
T1 / 2 of enalaprilate is 11 hours and increases in renal failure. After oral use,60% of the dose is excreted by the kidneys (20% in the form of enalapril,40% in the form of enalaprilat),33% is excreted through the intestine (6% in the form of enalapril,27% in the form of enalaprilat). After intravenous use of enalaprilat,100% is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
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