One package contains active substances: bifidobacteria sorbed on activated carbon– not less than 50 million colony-forming units (5 x 107 CFU), lactobacilli – not less than 50 million colony-forming units (5 x 107 CFU), auxiliary substance: lactose monohydrate-up to 0.85 g
Pharmacological action
Pharmacotherapy groupProbioticATX code A 07FA
BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIESFLORIN ® forte restores the normal microflora of the human body, suppresses the vital activity of pathogens of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract due to the live probiotic bacteria included in the preparation: bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium bifidum), sorbed in the form of microcolonies, and lactobacilli (Lactobacillus plantarum).
The combined action of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli sorbed on activated carbon in the form of microcolonies provides accelerated normalization of the quantitative and qualitative composition, metabolic and functional activity of microflora, increased suppressive effect on pathogens of acute intestinal infections, acute respiratory viral infections and their elimination from the body, increases non-specific resistance of the body. Bifidobacteria, which are part of the drug, have an antimicrobial effect due to antagonistic activity to pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, an immunomodulatory effect-they stimulate the synthesis of immunoglobulins, interferons, cytokines, participate in the formation of local immunity, activate mucosal repair and parietal digestion, produce enzymes, short-chain fatty acids, lactic acid. Bifidobacteria are a biosorbent, neutralize toxins, accumulate toxic substances and remove them from the body.
Lactobacilli inhibit the growth of pathogens due to the production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme, participate in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic and bile acids, activate the immune system, prevent the formation of prolonged forms of intestinal diseases by increasing the overall resistance of the body. Lactobacilli have a hypocholesterolemic effect, reduce the redox potential, and bind oxygen radicals harmful to bifidobacteria. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria have an enhanced suppressive effect on rotaviruses and hemolytic Escherichia coli, produce antibiotic-like substances-bacteriocins, participate in the synthesis of vitamins, use lactose in the process of vital activity as the main source of nutrition.
-a disease accompanied by a disturbance of the normal intestinal microflora with a deficiency of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli or normal Escherichia coli, acute intestinal infection caused by rotavirus and/or conditionally pathogenic microflora, acute intestinal infections of unknown etiology, acute respiratory diseases of viral and microbial origin, is a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), including the identified hemolytic Escherichia coli and associations of opportunistic microorganisms at high titres, -the restoration of normal intestinal flora in the period of convalescence after illness-a dysbacteriosis of various etiologies.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The drug is approved for use in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no special admission conditions.
Congenital lactase insufficiency. Malabsorption of glucose-galactose. Individual intolerance to the drug.
Side effects
Not installed.
With simultaneous use of Florin® forte with vitamins (especially Group B), the effect of the drug is enhanced. When taking antibiotics, the recommended interval between taking an antibiotic and Florin forte is 3 to 4 hours.
How to take, course of use and dosage
The drug is intended for use in adults and children from the first days of life (including premature babies). Age-related dosages: – adults 2 packages 3 times a day, – children under 6 months of age 1 package 2 times a day, – children from 6 months to 3 years of age 1 package 3 times a day, – children from 3 years of age and older 1 package 3-4 times a day. Course of treatment: – for diseases accompanied by a violation of the normal intestinal microflora 10-15 days, – for acute intestinal infections 5-7 days, – for acute respiratory diseases 5-10 days, – for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 10-15 days, – during convalescence after diseases 10-15 days, – for dysbiosis 10-15 days.
Florin ® forte is taken with a meal, if necessary, regardless of the meal. The drug before use is mixed with liquid food, preferably fermented milk product, newborns and children – with mother’s milk or formula for artificial feeding. You can mix the drug with 30-50 ml of boiled water at room temperature, and a cloudy suspension with black sorbent particles is formed. The resulting water suspension should be drunk without achieving complete dissolution.
No cases of overdose were observed.
Powder with a weak sour-milk smell of light gray or dark gray color with black spots.
Special instructions
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms.
Form of production
Powder in a bag made of multilayer metal-polymer material. 10,20 or 30 bags with instructions for use in a pack of cardboard.
Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of 2 to 10 °C. Keep out of reach of children. It is not suitable for use after the expiration date, when the appearance changes, when the integrity of the package is broken, when the marking on the primary or secondary packaging is unclear.
life is 2 years.
Active ingredient
of Bifidobacteria bifidum, Lactobacillus plantarum
Dosage form
powder for oral use
Nursing mothers, For children from birth, For pregnant women, For adults
Flatulence, Urticaria, After a course of antibiotic therapy, Flu, Intestinal infections, Dysbiosis, Exposure to adverse factors, Recovery period, Allergies, Diarrhea, Cold
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