Active ingredients: collagen, substance-2% solution-49 g (0.98 g of dry collagen) nitrofural (furacilin) -0.0075 g, boric acid-0.0125 g
As a hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding from:
- the alveolar well after tooth extraction;
- parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection) ;
- sinuses of the dura mater;
- bone-marrow canal;
- bed of the gallbladder after cholicystectomy.
The use of the sponge is contraindicated in cases of arterial bleeding, individual intolerance to nitrofuran preparations (furacilin).
How to take, course of use and dosage
The sponge is removed from the package immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis. Apply to the bleeding area and press it for 1-2 minutes or tightly tampon the bleeding surface with subsequent bandaging. After soaking in blood, the sponge fits snugly to the bleeding surface. To close the damaged areas of parenchymal organs (liver) or the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy, the sponge is placed in the damaged cavity. If the bleeding does not stop, you can put a second layer of sponge. After stopping the bleeding, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further maintenance of the operation is carried out according to the accepted methods. To stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding site is covered with a sponge. After stopping the bleeding, the sponge is not removed, since later it completely resolves. The size and amount of sponge used is selected according to the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.
- as a hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding from:
- sinuses of the dura mater;
- bone-marrow canal;
- alveolar hole after tooth extraction;
- parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection);
- the gallbladder bed after cholicystectomy.
Hemostatic collagen sponge has a local hemostatic and antiseptic effect, stimulates tissue regeneration. The sponge left in the wound or cavity is completely absorbed. When the hemostatic collagen sponge comes into contact with the bleeding surface, platelet adhesion and aggregation occur, which leads to a rapid stop of capillary-parenchymal bleeding. Collagen undergoes biodegradation-gradual resorption in the body for 3-6 weeks, which allows you to leave the material at the site of application without subsequent removal. Collagen biodegradation (lysis) products stimulate wound repair processes, accelerating wound healing. The boric acid and nitrofural contained in the sponge have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.
Product form
Hemostatic collagen sponge measuring (90 ± 5) x (90 ± 5) mm,7±2 mm thick in a blister. It’s sterile.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place protected from light at a temperature of 10 to 30°C.
Shelf life
5 years
Conditions of release from pharmacies
Without a prescription
Collagen Powder
Nursing Mothers, For pregnant women, For children, For adults
Bleeding, Nosebleeds, Wounds
For women, For men
Form of production
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