Key symptoms for prescribing the drug:
-purulent inflammation;
– hypersensitivity to pain (intolerance to any touch to the area of inflammation) and cold; – a feeling of painful pulsation;
– increased sensitivity of the scalp to touch;
– pain in the ears when blowing your nose;
– sore throat, giving in the ears.
Main cases of clinical use:
Gepar sulfate is indicated primarily for inflammatory processes and / or suppuration of any localization.
In acute pathology, a common sign is increased sensitivity of the affected areas and improvement with local application of heat. In chronic pathology, in the presence of suppuration, a common sign is an unpleasant smell of pus.
-boils, abscesses, carbuncles, hydradenitis, impetigo and purulent rashes
The method of use must be followed exactly, on the one hand, because of the opposite effect of low and high dilutions, on the other hand, depending on the stage of suppuration: dilutions With 5 favor the separation of pus or the formation of an abscess; dilutions With 30 promote the resorption of pus; dilutions With 9 act depending on the clinical stage. For this reason, weak dilutions of Gepar sulfate should not be used if suppuration occurs in a closed cavity or with insufficient outflow of pus.
Repetition of methods depends on the prescribed dilution and the goal pursued;
– pustular acne;
– herpes;
– chronic staphylococcal skin infection;
– ulcers of the lower extremities, hypersensitive to touch, easily bleeding, with possible purulent discharge.
Otorhinolaryngology: acute hyperalgic laryngitis, hoarseness, a deaf and” barking ” cough after severe hypothermia; heavy sweating does not bring relief to the patient; rhinitis and mucopurulent rhinopharyngitis; adenoiditis; erythematous-purulent tonsillitis; purulent rhinosinusitis, chronic sinusitis that worsens in winter and from cold; acute otitis media, suppuration from the ear.
Pulmonology: tracheobronchitis with dry and dull cough, which then becomes wet; cough worsens at the beginning and end of the night, from cold air, cold drinks, hypothermia; catarrhal tracheobronchitis; bronchitis causing dyspnea, with a tendency to superinfection, bronchial dilatation.
Dentistry: dental abscess (suppuration should be drained as soon as possible); prevention of single-pathogenic infections, except for the prevention of infectious endocarditis.
Ophthalmology: purulent conjunctivitis; barley.
Pediatrics: infantile diarrhea (sticky greenish stool with a pungent smell); purulent processes; behavioral disorders.
Urology: prevention of relapses of chronic prostatitis.
Gynecology: prevention of recurrent endometritis.
Other uses: chronic foci of infection that are resistant to antibiotic therapy.
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