Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
Active ingredients:
leaves of narrow-leaved cassia (senna),
columns with stigmas of corn,
grass of multi-stranded volodushka,
leaves of large plantain,
fruits, May Rosehip fruit,
grass and leaves of peppermint.
Pharmacological action
of Herbal tea “Altai” No. 3 ” For weight loss. With cassia and mint. ” Tea for weight loss Altai No. 3 is desirable in weight loss and cleansing programs. Why carry an extra weight? Moreover, any weight loss program has its own assistants. The composition of herbal tea “Altai” No. 3 “For weight loss” has a cleansing effect without pain, promotes the rapid removal of toxins and toxins and, as a result, weight loss. At the same time, the skin condition improves and fat metabolism normalizes – losing weight becomes easier and more pleasant!
Influence of medicinal herbs included in the tea collection for weight loss:
- Cassia leaves (senna) – a reliable powerful laxative from all known, helps to remove toxins and toxins, quickly release the intestines, without causing pain, is used for weight loss.
- Corn stigmas-reduce appetite. They are used during the course of treatment of overweight, have a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory effect, with edema of various nature, normalize metabolism.
- Volodushka herb-enhances the activity of the pancreas and liver, acts as a laxative and tonic.
- Greater plantain leaves – used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they are considered an antitumor agent.
- Coriander fruits-relieve spasms, soothe, stimulate the restoration of damaged tissues, are used as a laxative.
- Rosehip fruit-normalize the metabolism, are rich in natural vitamin C, which rejuvenates the cells of the entire body and increases their vitality.
- Mint leaves-reduce excessive fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines. Soothing, useful after taking fatty and hard-to-digest food.
Biologically active food additive.
Recommended for weight loss and cleansing programs.
Individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Adults 1 filter bag pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes. Take 1 cup 2 times a day with meals.
The duration of admission is 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated in 1-2 months.
Special instructions
Please consult your doctor before use.
Form of release
of Herbal tea
life is 2 years.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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