Inulae rhizomata et radices.
Elderberry rhizomes and roots contain essential oil (including sesquiterpene lactones),
mucus and other biologically active substances.
Pharmacological action
Decoction of Inulae rhizomata et radices has an expectorant effect.
It is used in adults and children over 12 years of age as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Hypersensitivity to the drug, kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age.
Side effects
Possible allergic reactions, heartburn,
increased abdominal pain.
How to take, course of use and dosage
About 16 g (2 tablespoons) of rhizomes and roots are placed in an enamel dish,200 ml (1 cup) of hot boiled water is poured, covered with a lid and heated in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes at room temperature, filtered, the remaining raw materials are squeezed out.
The volume of the resulting broth is brought with boiled water to 200 ml.
Take inside in a warm form of 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
It is recommended to shake the broth before use.
Form of production
Pieces of roots and rhizomes of various shapes.
Color grayish-brown, yellowish-white, yellowish-gray.
The smell is fragrant.
The taste of water extraction is spicy, bitter.
Storage conditions
In a dry place, protected from light
Shelf life
3 years
Active ingredient
Elecampane rhizomes with roots
Dosage form
vegetable raw materials
Children over 12 years old, For adults
Neurosis, Respiratory tract infections, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, Biliary Dyskinesia, Dysbiosis, Gastritis, Dermatitis
Best price for Inulae rhizomata et radices, packet, 50g in our online pharmacy!
Side effects of Inulae rhizomata et radices, packet, 50g.
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