The key symptoms for prescribing the drug
- are autophony, “crackling”, “clicks” in the ears;
- pressing headaches in the occipital region;
- the tongue is geographical or covered with a white coating;
- milky discharge.
Main cases of clinical use
- serous-mucosal otitis with prolonged autophonia and hearing loss; the condition almost does not improve when swallowing.
Like all drugs used for diseases with excretory phenomena in pathogenesis, Potassium muriaticum obeys the usual rule: weak dilutions contribute to secretions, high ones stop them.
- latent caseous tonsillitis with grayish thick fetid curd discharge.
- ulcers with a grayish surface in the oral cavity;
- dyspepsia due to biliary dyskinesia with headache accompanied by vomiting of white thick mucus and overlaid tongue;
- jaundice with the same characteristics.
- subacute or chronic arthritis with minor effusion;
- subacute inflammation of the serous membranes: hygromas, synovial cysts.
- post-inflammatory or chronic edema: shiny skin with the appearance of a pit when pressed;
- painful edematous cellulite;
- dyshidrosis with whitish vesicles, followed by peeling of the skin.
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