Active ingredients:
dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine-4.0 g,
chloramphenicol-0.75 g;
Auxiliary substances:
macrogol 400 – 76.2 g,
macrogol 1500-19.05 g
Pharmacological action
Combined drug for external use, has anti-inflammatory (dehydrating) and antimicrobial effects. Chloramphenicol disrupts the process of protein synthesis in the microbial cell and is considered a bacteriostatic antibiotic. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, etc. ). It easily penetrates deep into tissues without damaging biological membranes. In the presence of pus and necrotic masses, the antibacterial effect is preserved. Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, normalizing the nucleic exchange, stimulates the processes of regeneration in wounds, growth and granulation maturation of tissue, epithelialization, and has an anti-inflammatory (dehydrating) effect.
The drug is slightly absorbed and has no systemic effect.
Purulent wounds (including those infected with mixed microflora) in the first (purulent-necrotic) phase of the wound process.
If necessary, please consult your doctor before using the medicine.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the risk to the fetus and child.
Before using the drug, if you are pregnant, or think that you might be pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, while breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 1 year of age (in newborns, chloramphenicol biotransformation occurs more slowly than in adults).
Side effects
Allergic reactions (skin rashes). In this case, the use of the drug should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted. If any of the side effects listed in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.
When used concomitantly with external dosage forms of erythromycin, clindamycin, lincomycin and gentamicin, mutual weakening of the action.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Externally. The preparation is impregnated with sterile gauze napkins, which are loosely filled with the wound. It is possible to inject the drug into purulent cavities through a catheter (drainage tube) using a syringe. In this case, the ointment is preheated to 35-36 ° C. Dressings are performed daily, once a day, until the wound is completely cleansed of purulent-necrotic masses. For large wound surfaces, the daily dose of the ointment in terms of chloramphenicol should not exceed 3 g. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and course of the disease. If there is no improvement after treatment or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Use the drug only according to the method of use and in the doses indicated in the instructions. If necessary, please consult your doctor before using the medicine.
Unlikely due to low absorption. When applying the ointment to large surfaces and prolonged treatment, symptoms from the hematopoietic system may appear – anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, reticulocytopenia, which usually disappear after the drug is discontinued and symptomatic therapy is prescribed.
Homogeneous ointment of white or white with a yellowish tinge of color.
Special instructions
When applied to large areas of the skin and long courses of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a clinical blood test.
The drug does not affect the ability to engage in potentially dangerous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator, etc. ).
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles, work with mechanisms.
Form of production
Ointment for external use.
30.0 g or 40.0 g of the drug in aluminum tubes with an internal lacquer coating with bushons. Each tube together with the instructions for medical use of the drug is placed in a cardboard pack.
0.1 kg; 1.0 kg; 2.0 kg or 5.0 kg of the drug in cans made of polypropylene or high-density polyethylene, complete with lids, are placed in boxes made of corrugated cardboard “For hospitals”. A self-adhesive label with labeling and instructions for medical use of the medicinal product made of label or writing paper is pasted on the jar.
It is allowed to pack cans of 1,2,4,36 pieces with an equal number of instructions for medical use of the drug in boxes made of corrugated cardboard “For hospitals”.
Storage conditions
At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C (for a medicinal product packed in aluminum tubes). In a place protected from light at a temperature of 12 to 15 ° C(for medicinal products packed in cans made of polypropylene or high-density polyethylene). Keep out of reach of children.
life is 3 years and 6 months. Do not use after the expiration date.
Active ingredient
Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol
Dosage form
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