Skin diseases, colic, flatulence, constipation or hemorrhoids; diseases of the digestive tract; cirrhosis of the liver; bronchitis; kidney stones; hematuria; muscle spasms.
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Add to wishlistSkin diseases, colic, flatulence, constipation or hemorrhoids; diseases of the digestive tract; cirrhosis of the liver; bronchitis; kidney stones; hematuria; muscle spasms.
Individual sensitivity to the drug; lactose intolerance.
See the Description tab.
Skin diseases, colic, flatulence, constipation or hemorrhoids; diseases of the digestive tract; cirrhosis of the liver; bronchitis; kidney stones; hematuria; muscle spasms.
Individual sensitivity to the drug; lactose intolerance.
5 pellets 1 time a day under the tongue 30 minutes before meals.
The drug helps with problems with the urinary tract, with headaches. It helps to cope with insomnia and eliminate irritability. In addition, Lycopodium is excellent for those men who have problems with potency or have inflammatory processes of the genitals. Also, the remedy effectively treats a melancholic state, helps to cope with the decline of strength and spirit, with frustration and loss of hope for salvation and a way out of the situation.
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