Melissa officinalis herb.
Pharmacological action
Melissa officinalis herb-is a plant-based remedy. Causes anticonvulsant, sedative, antihypertensive, antispasmodic, antiarrhythmic, antiemetic effects.
The main active ingredients are the components of essential oil (which is contained in the plant 0.06-1%), including citral, caryophyllene, linalool, geraniol, neral, along with terpenoids, phenol carboxylic acids, benzyl alcohol glucosides, eugenol, which additionally provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial activity.
Active components of lemon balm have a mild choleretic effect, improve digestion, helps restore the secretion of digestive enzymes and saprophytic intestinal flora.
A complex of trace elements (including potassium), vitamins B1, B2, and C. Potassium, together with phenol carboxylic acids and geraniol, contributes to the normalization of vascular tone and cardiac activity, and provides a negative chronotropic effect.
Melissa preparations, thanks to a complex complex of biologically active substances, have a strong antihypoxic effect, which in turn underlies neuro-, cardio -, immuno-and nephroprotective properties. They eliminate menopausal disorders, manifestations of pregnancy toxicosis, mild forms of dysmenorrhea, and normalize the work of the sex glands in men.
The components of the essential oil, terpenoids, flavonoids, chlorogenic, salicylic, ferulic, and rosemary acids reduce the viscosity of sputum, improve the drainage function of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, facilitate the release of sputum with coughing, and have an antipyretic effect due to increased heat transfer (increased sweating, vasodilation of the skin).
Lemon balm preparations, when applied to the mucous membranes and skin, exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipruritic, antiviral, and antimicrobial effects.
– Hypertensive type neurocirculatory dystonia, insomnia, nervousness, mild hypertension, mild forms of tachyarrhythmia and coronary heart disease;- chronic and acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory (viral or bacterial origin); – chronic and acute gastrointestinal disorders, dyskinesia, fermentopathy, goiter, flatulence; – trophic ulcers, eczema, dermatitis, which are accompanied by itching; – toxemia of pregnancy, menopausal disorders, menstrual disorders; – immunodeficiency (consisting of combined treatment).
– lethargy,
– drowsiness,
– lethargy.
Melissa enhances the effect of painkillers, antihypertensive and central nervous system depressants.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Place 3 g (2 filter bags) of the drug in an enamel or glass dish, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for 15 minutes, squeeze out the filter bags, bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml with boiled water.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place, protected from light.
life is 3 years.
Active ingredient
Melissa lek. grass
Dosage form
vegetable raw materials
Children over 12 years old, For adults
Insomnia, Menopause, Premenstrual Syndrome, Stress
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Side effects of Melissa herb, filter bags 1.5g, 20pcs.
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