The key symptoms for prescribing the drug
- are asthenia;
- deep stabbing, shooting, piercing pains;
- tenesmus and burning of the genitourinary organs or rectum;
- bad breath;
- swollen tongue with tooth marks on the edges;
- purulent processes.
Main cases of clinical use
Dilution with 5 contributes to suppuration, increased discharge. Dilutions of C15 and C30 reduce them or promote discontinuation. The effect of C9 dilution may be ambivalent depending on the clinical stage and the patient’s reactivity.
- acute or recurrent sore throats of non-streptococcal origin*;
- stenosing pharyngitis with reflex otalgia and concomitant cervical lymphadenopathy;
- acute or recurrent rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis with characteristic secretions and modalities;
- frontitis with neuralgia;
- mumps with hyperemia of the Stenon duct;
- mumps;
- otitis with otorrhea and tingling and burning sensation.
- blepharitis and conjunctivitis, aggravated in heat and light and accompanied by characteristic discharge;
- ulcerative keratitis.
- bronchitis with a tendency to dyspnea with allergic and infectious involvement (“microbial allergy”);
- bronchopneumopathy with mucopurulent sputum.
- acute diarrhea, sometimes hemorrhagic, with tenesmus;
- ulcerative colitis, rectocolitis, sigmoiditis, especially after amoebiasis.
- gingivitis with painful spongy gums that bleed at the slightest touch;
- dental-alveolar pyorrhea with a viscous, mucopurulent discharge;
- periodontal disease with exposed tooth roots and a characteristic “mercury mouth”;
- stomatitis, including aphthous, with superficial sluggish erosions;
- gum abscesses.
- painful urethritis with mucopurulent urine;
- cystitis accompanied by burning, tenesmus, dysuria, dark-colored and sometimes bloody urine.
- vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, accompanied by characteristic discharge and itching;
- ulceration of the cervix, accompanied by characteristic discharge.
- toxic interstitial nephropathy, accompanied by thirst and mild edema.
- tremor of the extremities, which increases with emotional experiences and fatigue;
- cephalgia with characteristic signs.
- disorders behavioral disorders associated with instability of character, accompanied by severe bouts of anger in children who, in addition, are prone to purulent processes;
- difficulties in school in restless children.
- pruritus in inflammatory processes that cause suppuration;
- infected eczema;
- superficial extensive infected ulceration;
- abscess, inflammation of the lymph nodes with suppuration.
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