:• disease of the Central nervous system of various origins, especially those associated with metabolic disturbances in the brain, intoxication (particularly in post-traumatic States), accompanied by deterioration of intellectual-mnestic functions, decrease motor activity;
• Neurotic state, manifested by lethargy, increased exhaustion, decreased psychomotor activity, impaired attention, memory impairment;
• Violations of the learning process;
• Psycho-organic syndromes manifesting intellectual-mental disorders and apatico-abulcasis phenomena and state in state in schizophrenia;
• Convulsive status;
• Obesity (alimentary-constitutional type);
• Prevention of hypoxia, increase resistance to stress, correction of the functional state of the body in extreme conditions of professional activity with the aim of preventing the development of fatigue and to increase mental and physical performance, the correction lag, inversion of the cycle of “sleep-Wake”;
• Chronic alcoholism (to reduce intellectual-mental disorders).
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