Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
Active substances:
milk thistle fruits, St. John’s
wort grass and flowers,
peppermint grass and leaves,
chamomile flowers,
may Rosehip fruit,
common hop cones.
Pharmacological action
of Herbal tea “Altai” No. 8 ” Healthy liver. With milk thistle. ” Milk thistle contains about 200 priceless ingredients. It is widely used for any poisoning, chronic intoxication, acquired immunodeficiency of various types.
It is indispensable for cleaning the liver, blood and the whole body from toxins. Herbal tea “Altai” No. 8 ” Healthy liver. With milk thistle” must be in every home!
Medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the body:
- Milk thistle fruits are used for hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, various poisonings, cleanse the body of toxins, heal liver cells, improve metabolism in the body at any age.
- St. John’s wort herb-has a beneficial effect on the liver, bile ducts. Improves the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems, eliminates depression and apathy, increases efficiency, helps with headaches, improves sleep.
- Mint leaves-reduce excessive fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines, improve the outflow of bile and help to get rid of the feeling of heaviness after eating.
- Chamomile flowers-used for cholecystitis, hepatitis. They have a choleretic, carminative effect. Relieve spasms.
- Rosehip fruit-stimulates the liver, improves appetite, sleep and overall well-being. Normalize the metabolism.
- Coplodia of hops-have an anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect. It is used for various liver diseases.
Biologically active food additive. It is recommended as an auxiliary agent for any poisoning, chronic intoxication, acquired immunodeficiency of various types.
Individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Do not combine with medication.
How to take, course of use and dosage
1 filter bag pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, squeeze.
Take adults 1 cup 2 times a day with meals.
The duration of admission is 3-4 weeks.
Special instructions
It is recommended to consult your doctor before use.
life is 2 years.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
Without a prescription
Improving Liver Function
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