Active ingredients:
sandworm flowers;
yarrow grass;
peppermint leaves;
coriander fruits.
Pharmacological action
Choleretic collection N2 has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
Increases appetite, normalizes gastrointestinal motility.
: Chronic cholecystitis, chronic reactive hepatitis, cholangitis, dyspeptic disorders with biliary disorders (decreased appetite, nausea), biliary dyskinesia, postcholecystectomy syndrome.
Hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis.
Side effects
Allergic reactions.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Choleretic collection N2 is taken orally,100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-4 weeks. 4 g (1 tbsp. spoon) of the collection is placed in an enamel dish, pour 200 ml of hot water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, insist at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter.
The remaining raw materials are squeezed out, the resulting infusion is brought with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml.
Shake well before use.
Special instructions
The finished infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 48 hours.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place, protected from light.
life is 2 years.
Active ingredient
Helichrysum, Yarrow, Mint, Coriander
Dosage form
vegetable raw materials
For adults by doctor’s prescription, Children by doctor’s prescription, Children over 12 years of age
Biliary dyskinesia, Cholecystitis, Hepatitis
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Side effects of Phytohepatol №2 choleretic collection, packet, 35g.
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