Active ingredient: pyridoxine hydrochloride-50 mg; Excipients: water for injection.
Pharmacological action
Pyridoxine makes up for vitamin B6 deficiency. It is phosphorylated and in the form of pyridoxal phosphate is a part of enzymes that catalyze decarboxylation and transamination.
It plays an important role in the metabolism of tryptophan, glutamic acid, cysteine, and methionine, as well as in the transport of amino acids across the cell membrane. It is necessary for the activation of phosphorylase, for the formation of neurotransmitters, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, serotonin.
It participates in the metabolism of vitamin B12, folic acid, in the synthesis of porphyrins, in the exchange of unsaturated fatty acids. It is used to activate metabolic processes in myofibrils, especially in cases of myocardial hypoxia.
The daily requirement for adults is 2-2,5 mg, for children from 6 months to 1 year,0.5 mg 1-1,5 years — 0.9 mg,1.5–2 years — 1 mg,3-4 years 1.3 mg,5-6 years — 1.4 mg,7-10 years — 1.7 mg,11-13 years — 2 mg, for boys 14-17 years — 2.2 mg, for girls aged 14-17 and 1.9 mg.
Hypo-and avitaminosis B6 (treatment and prevention) — malnutrition, long-term infections, diarrhea, enteritis, sprue, prolonged stress, malabsorption syndrome, condition after removal of the stomach and large parts of the intestine, hemodialysis. As part of complex therapy: hypochromic and microcytic anemia, Parkinsonism, sciatica, Little’s disease, Meniere’s disease and syndrome, diseases (including diabetes mellitus), neuralgia, congenital pyridoxine-dependent convulsive syndrome in newborns, prevention of convulsions in patients while taking ftivazid; gestosis, alcoholism, liver damage against the background of taking ethanol and anti-tuberculosis drugs, acute and chronic hepatitis, to increase diuresis and enhance the effect of diuretics. Dermatitis (including atopic and seborrheic), herpetic infections (Varicella zoster, Herpes simplex), psoriasis, exudative diathesis.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
It is possible to use pyridoxine during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding )according to indications.
Side effects
Allergic reactions, increased acidity of gastric juice.
The physiological function of vitamins b1and B6 is to potentiate the action of each other, which manifests itself in a positive effect on the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems.
When used concomitantly with hormonal contraceptives, it is possible to increase the concentration of pyridoxine in blood plasma. When used concomitantly, it potentiates the effect of diuretics. When used concomitantly with levodopa, the effects of levodopa are reduced or completely inhibited.
When used concomitantly with isonicotine hydrazide, penicillamine, cycloserine, the effectiveness of pyridoxine may decrease. When used concomitantly with phenytoin, phenobarbital, it is possible to reduce plasma concentrations of phenytoin and phenobarbital.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Subcutaneously (subcutaneously), intravenously( IV), intramuscularly (iv), if oral use is impossible (with vomiting) and if intestinal absorption is impaired. Adults — 50-100 mg / day in 1-2 doses, children-20 mg. The course of treatment for adults is 1 month, for children-2 weeks. With concomitant therapy with isoniazid, ftivazid — 5-10 mg / day. For the treatment of sideroblastic anemia, it is prescribed orally,100 mg every day or 100 mg iv,2 times a week. It is advisable to simultaneously take folic acid, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin. With Parkinsonism — in / m,100 mg / day; on the course-20-25 injections, the course of treatment is repeated after 2-3 months or, starting with a dose of 50-100 mg/day, daily increase the dose by 50 mg, bringing it to 300-400 mg/day, in the form of a single injection for 12-15 days. For depressions of involutional age-in / m,200 mg/day. For the treatment of pyridoxine-dependent convulsive syndrome, adults — iv or iv 30-600 mg; children — 10-100 mg daily.
Special instructions
Use with caution for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, coronary heart disease.
In severe liver damage, pyridoxine in high doses can cause deterioration of its function.
Product form
solution for injection
Storage conditions
In a dark place, at a temperature of 12-15 °C
Shelf life
3 years
Active ingredient
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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