Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
Active ingredient:
shilajit purified
Pharmacological action
Mumijo is a unique natural biostimulator that is collected in the Altai Mountains and has been used by many peoples since ancient times as a powerful preventive tool.
Mummy is the traditional European name for a resin-like substance. The word is translated from Greek as ” preserving, protecting the body. ” A unique complex of biologically active substances created by nature gives it a variety of healing properties. All substances in its composition are in an easily digestible form. Mummy, as a medicinal product, has been known in folk medicine for more than 3000 years.
Mummie has a pronounced normalizing effect on the level of potassium, calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the blood, it promotes the growth of bone tissue from the bone marrow and periosteum. Under the influence of mummie, the overall reactivity of the body increases, characterized by the rapid disappearance of autoantigens (tissue destroyers) and the pathological focus, rapid cleaning of wounds is observed, and purulent discharge decreases.
Scientific treatises have been written about the healing properties of Mummies for several thousand years and new medicinal properties are being discovered. This substance has no analogues at all. Thousands of medicines and cosmetics are produced on its basis. A long – forgotten method of rejuvenation-Mummy baths have recently been actively used in cosmetology and show amazing results.
In its composition, the mummy contains about 28 chemical elements,30 macro-and microelements, as well as 10 different metal oxides,6 amino acids, a number of vitamins, essential oils, resin-like substances.
It is used to treat a wide range of diseases.
- Fractures, wounds, cracks, ruptures, postoperative condition;
- thermal burns, chemical burns;
- ulcers: stomach, duodenal ulcer, trophic;
- diseases of the organs of digestion, including indigestion, constipation;
- impotence;
- sciatica, jade, neuroscience, degenerative disc disease;
- infections of the urogenital tract;
- inflammatory and allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia;
- as a preventive mitigating the impact of harmful factors of the environment;
- as a General tonic, restorative reduced vital functions of the body and relieve fatigue and stress.
Individual intolerance to the components of the Mountain Altai Mummy, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
How to take, course of use and dosage
It is recommended to take 1 or 2 times a day (morning and evening), and the recommended duration of internal use of mumiyo is usually 25-28 days (if necessary, the course of taking mumiyo can be repeated with a break of 10 days). Moreover, the optimal daily dose of this mountain balm depends on the weight of the person using it.
With a weight of 70 kg, the optimal daily dose of mumijo is 0.2 g, from 70 to 80 kg – 0.25 g, from 80 kg to 90 kg-0.3 g, over 90 kg-0.5 g. Mumijo should not be heated above 40 degrees when preparing medicinal products based on it.
Before internal use, the mummy must be dissolved in milk, water, vegetable or fruit juice. During the course of taking mumiyo, alcohol consumption is contraindicated.
Form of production
Conditions of release from pharmacies
Without a prescription
Mummie, Humic acid
Improved immune system, Low working capacity
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