The drug can be used for local anesthesia in the following cases::
in dentistry – for the terminal (surface) anesthesia: analgesia in the area before the injection of local anesthesia; opening of superficial abscesses; prior to suturing the mucous membrane; in front of crowns and bridges; in the treatment of inflammation of the gums parodontopatii; extirpation of milk teeth; removal of Tartar;
surgery – surgery on the nasal septum and removal of polyps of the nose; the holding of electrocoagulation in the treatment of nasal bleeding; the elimination of pharyngeal reflex and the epidural space of the injection needle before removing the tonsils; an autopsy peritonsillar abscesses; puncture of the maxillary sinus;
in obstetrics and gynecology – assitalia and treatment of the section; removal of seams; small operation on the vagina and cervix, break the hymen; processing thread suppuration;
instrumental and endoscopic studies before the introduction of the probe through the nose or mouth (including duodenal intubation and fractional study of gastric secretion); at rectoscopy intubation;
when radiographic examination is the elimination of nausea and gag reflex;
as analgesic (analgesic) drugs for burns (including solar); bites; contact dermatitis (including caused by irritating plants); small wounds (including scratches);
surface anesthesia of the skin with a small surgical interventions.
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