5% potassium hydroxide
Pharmacological action
Molluscum contagiosum is a benign viral skin disease characterized by the appearance on the skin, less often – on the mucous membranes of hemispherical nodules ranging in size from a pinhead to a pea with a central umbilical depression. The causative agent is Molluscum contagiosum virus. The disease is ubiquitous and affects people at any age (in the vast majority of cases, the disease affects children under 12 years of age). Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient or virus carrier, or indirectly-through personal and household items. The incubation period is from 2 weeks to 6 months. The prevalence of the disease in various countries ranges from 1.2% to 22% of the population. In older children, infection occurs when visiting a swimming pool or playing contact sports. Children with eczema or atopic dermatitis treated with corticosteroids are more likely to get sick. In young people, CM infection often occurs sexually. In middle-aged and elderly people, long-term use of glucocorticosteroid drugs, cytostatics, and immunosuppressive drugs may be a provoking factor in the development of the disease. KM elements can be located on any part of the skin. They are nodules of 0.1-0.2 cm hemispherical or flattened shape, dense, painless, the color of normal skin or pale pink, with a waxy luster, with an umbilical depression in the center. Nodules quickly increase in size to 0.5-0.7 cm, are located in isolation on the unchanged skin. When the nodules are compressed from the sides, a white, tiny (mushy) mass consisting of degenerative epithelial cells and virus particles is released from the central opening. The number of rash elements varies: from 5-10 to several dozen or more. Children have a long course of CM (from 6 months to 5 years), as a result of autoinoculation of the causative agent of the disease. Molluscum contagiosum is a contagious disease of viral etiology. And it can disappear spontaneously, but there is always a risk of transmission of the infection to other people, so all patients require treatment! Despite numerous treatment options, there is still no specific antiviral therapy for molluscum contagiosum. Destruction of elements of molluscum contagiosum is the main direction of therapy in the Russian Federation at present. Suggested methods of destruction: curettage, cryotherapy, evisceration (husking), laser therapy, electrocoagulation. These methods are usually painful, can leave scars and lead to relapses. Taking into account the possibility of autoinoculation, it is necessary to remove all elements of molluscum contagiosum, for which, before conducting therapy, the entire surface of the patient’s skin should be examined, paying attention to skin folds.
Solution for removing molluscum contagiosum STOPMOLLUSK is intended for application on the surface of skin lesions caused by molluscum contagiosum.
Recommendations for use
1. Open the bottle by pressing the cap and turning the cap counterclockwise. Remove excess solution from the applicator on the edge of the bottle neck to prevent drops of solution from falling. 2. Using an applicator, apply a small amount of the solution to the area affected by Molluscum contagiosum, preventing its excess from getting on healthy skin. Let the solution soak in and dry for 1-2 minutes. The applicator should be re-immersed in the solution after every 2-3 applications. Always close the lid securely after each use. 3. Apply the solution with an applicator 1-2 times a day (morning and evening), on the areas affected by Molluscum contagiosum, for several days, until inflammation (redness) appears on these areas. This usually takes from 2 to 10 days. After the appearance of inflammation (redness), stop applying STOPMOLLUSK solution. Inflammation indicates that after 2-6 weeks, the molluscum contagiosum will disappear. When applying the solution, a tingling sensation is often felt. If there are more pronounced symptoms of burning or irritation of healthy skin tissues (around the lesion caused by molluscum contagiosum), stop using STOPMOLLUSK solution and seek medical advice. Before applying the solution to many areas affected by molluscum contagiosum, it is recommended to first apply it to 2-3 areas to check the skin reaction. 4. It is forbidden to apply the product to areas affected by molluscum contagiosum with signs of inflammation or secondary infection. 5. It is forbidden to apply the solution to the same area affected by molluscum contagiosum for a period exceeding 14 days. If you don’t see any positive treatment results, contact your doctor.
it is forbidden to use the solution in the following cases: – for children under 2 years of age; – on the mucous membranes or areas around the eyes; – if you are allergic to any of the components of the solution; – on skin areas affected by molluscum contagiosum with signs of secondary infection and inflammation; – on ordinary warts or other skin formations. If you have any doubts or questions, consult your doctor. Warnings and precautions for use: If used improperly, this medical device may cause irritation to healthy skin tissues. The solution should be applied exclusively to the area of skin affected by Molluscum contagiosum. Do not allow the solution to get on healthy skin! It is forbidden to apply the solution on the mucous membranes or on the areas around the eyes. We strongly recommend that nursing mothers do not apply the solution to areas of the body that may come into contact with the baby’s skin. It is not recommended to use the solution in patients suffering from acute atopic eczema, as well as persons with defects in the immune system. If the solution gets on the skin around the molluscum contagiosum – wash the skin with water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor. In case of contact with your fingers, do not touch your eyes or mucous membranes. Wash your hands immediately.
Side effects
Like all chemically active products, this solution can cause side effects of varying degrees, in particular, a burning sensation or temporary irritation. After the molluscum contagiosum disappears, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation may occur. These phenomena pass over time. Be sure to inform your doctor about any side effects or irritating effects that are not listed in these instructions.
Storage conditions
Store the solution bottle in an upright position. Use the solution within a month after opening the bottle. Store the solution at a temperature of 15 to 25°C.
Shelf life
2 years
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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