Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
of 1 tablet contains:
Active ingredients:
valerian root powder 33.6 mg,
vitamin C 6 mg.
Auxiliary substances:
food coloring “Green apple”,
titanium dioxide,
magnesium carbonate.
Pharmacological action
The cryomixing technology used in the production of “Valerian-P “from the” Secrets of Longevity ” series preserves all the properties of valerian root and enhances its effect due to the inclusion of Vitamin C in the composition of Valerian-P.
When a person is nervous, there is an intensive consumption of Vitamin C in the body, “Valerian – P” just restores its losses.
Thanks to cryoprocessing technology, “Valerian-P” preserves 200 macro – and microelements, as well as essential oils and valepotriates, which have the main hypnotic and sedative effect.
It should be noted that Valerian-P should be taken to achieve a long-term sedative effect, for example, take it at night so that insomnia does not torment.
If a person wants to get a quick calming effect, then it is necessary to take a tincture of valerian. Like any alcohol-containing product, it is quickly absorbed and therefore begins to act quickly, but for a short time.
The composition of “Valerian-P” includes “live” valerian root, which, in addition to isovaleric acid, also contains other soothing substances that are technologically unavailable with other processing methods (valenal, valepotriate, valerin, bornylisalerianate, etc. ). A long-term calming effect is achieved due to the fact that the valerian root in the preparation “Valerian-P” from the series “Secrets of Longevity” is not subjected to chemical and heat treatment, which makes the process of root digestion longer compared to tinctures and extracts.
Attention! Abuse valerian should not be, as its use for a long time can cause violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is best to use valerian preparations together with” Devyasil-P”, which also has a calming effect, but, unlike valerian, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Recommended for:
- nervous excitement,
- insomnia, asthma, palpitations, neurosis,
- nervous diseases of the stomach and intestines,
- neurodermatitis,
- convulsions, spasms, hysteria, sciatica,
- epilepsy,
- nervous headache, migraines,
- climacteric disorders.
As a preventive measure used for:
- diseases of the liver and biliary tract,
- obesity due to the fact that it reduces hunger,
- kidney and bladder diseases, diabetes insipidus.
Individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Adults take 2-3 pills 3 times a day with meals.
Duration of admission: 2 weeks.
Special instructions
It is recommended to consult your doctor before use.
Form of production
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place at room temperature.
life is 3 years.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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