Active ingredient: Sodium hyaluronate 1.8 mg / mlmedical Substances: Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Citrate, Water for injection. It does not contain preservatives.
Pharmacological action
A clear, colorless solution, free of visible particles, to moisten the anterior surface of the eye. Sodium hyaluronate is a natural polymer that is present in the tissues of the human eye. The VISMED ® effect is related to the viscoelasticity property and the ability of sodium hyaluronate to bind and retain water. VISMED® is characterized by high viscosity in the absence of blinking movements and low viscosity at the moment of blinking, which ensures its effective distribution over the eye surface, preventing “dryness” and eye irritation. Sodium hyaluronate has an affinity for tear mucoglycoprotein, which helps to increase the stability of the tear film. VISMED®, like tear fluid, contains calcium, magnesium and potassium ions necessary to maintain the normal structure and function of the cornea of the eye. The inclusion of sodium citrate in VISMED® helps maintain the viscoelastic properties of the product in the presence of other ions and avoid their precipitation. The leading mechanism in the development of dry eye syndrome is hyperosmolarity of the tear and instability of the tear film. VISMED® (VISMED®) due to its hypotonicity is able to compensate for the hyperosmolarity of tears VISMED® (VISMED®) promotes regeneration in surface keratitis by increasing cell migration. Thanks to a unique combination of components, VISMED ® gel provides long-term protection of the cornea and relief of symptoms of “dryness” of the eye by restoring the normal properties of the tear film.
VISMED® ophthalmic solution in 0.3 ml single-dose dropper tubes is used to eliminate the feeling of ” dryness “and eye irritation in the presence of manifestations of the” dry eye “syndrome and/or damage to the anterior surface of the eye with superficial keratitis and Sjogren’s syndrome and primary”dry eye” syndrome. To moisten the surface of the eyes when complaining of a feeling of “dryness” of the eyes, a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, eye fatigue caused by wearing hard or soft contact lenses, prolonged work at the computer, being in an air-conditioned room, dust, exposure to dry air, wind or cold.
Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the ophthalmic solution.
Side effects
In very rare cases, there may be conjunctival irritation, a feeling of a” foreign body “in the eye, redness or burning of the eyes, short-term” blurring ” of vision. Avoid contact of the tip of the open container with the surface of the eye or hands. VISMED® does not contain a preservative, so do not use the remaining solution after instillation (Fig. 3). Otherwise, the manufacturer does not guarantee the sterility of the solution. VISMED® should not be used if the container is visibly damaged. If any complaints of dryness and eye irritation persist after instillation of VISMED®, consult your doctor.
It is not recommended to use VISMED® with other ophthalmic agents at the same time, as this may affect their effectiveness.
How to take, course of use and dosage
Open the container by twisting the snap-off cap clockwise. Tilt your head back, place the dropper container over your eye, and use the index finger of one hand to pull the lower eyelid down. Press lightly on the container and drop 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye, unless otherwise recommended. When you blink, the liquid is evenly distributed over the surface of the eye. VISMED® can be instilled while wearing any type of contact lens (hard or soft), without removing them during instillation.
Product form
20 single-dose dropper tubes of 0.3 ml each, complete with packaging box and instructions
Storage conditions
Store at temperatures below 25°C out of the reach of children! Do not freeze it. The product is transported by all modes of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with local legislation and the cargo transportation rules applicable for each mode of transport, at temperatures below 25 C. Do not freeze it.
life is 3 years if stored in the original packaging. The expiration date is indicated on the package. Do not use an expired product! The product is sterile!The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product during the entire shelf life.
Active ingredient
Sodium Hyaluronate
Dosage Form
gel Ophthalmic
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