Wound coating “Voskopran” – beeswax 96.9%; propolis 3% by weight of wax; vitamin E 1.0 mg per 15 * 10 sq. m. see the product surface. The surface of the coating applied Methyluracyl ointment 10%.
Pharmacological action
Otomie to the use of dressings Vocopro with beeswax designed to meet the current approach to the treatment of wounds, depending on the type and stage of the wound healing process: the phase of the cleanup headband promotes physiological clearance mechanisms; In the phase of granulation – stimulates angiogenesis and filling the collagen fibers of the defect; In the epithelialization phase – speeds up cell division. Thanks to beeswax, which contains a large amount of amino acids, the healing processes are much more intense, and the Voskopran dressing does not stick to the wound at all stages of the wound process. After cleansing, the wax promotes the rapid formation of epithelium. Also, Voskopran dressings: Provide free gas exchange in the wound necessary for regeneration; Quickly clean the wound from purulent or mixed exudate; Effectively protect against further infection, drying out and loss of physiological fluids, as well as from friction, mechanical influences, contamination and impact. In addition, according to reviews, the wax wounds are well modeled on the wound, which ensures atraumatic dressings.
Voskopran wipes are used: For first aid in burns and injuries; For the treatment of granulating wounds. Depending on the wound process, one of four types of dressings can be used: The Voskopran dressing without ointments, used to treat clean wounds or wounds in the granulation stage, including frostbite, burns, and trophic ulcers. Also, this type of dressing can be combined with any ointment, if necessary, which ensures its penetration into the deep layers of damaged skin; Anti-inflammatory dressing with Levomekol ointment for the treatment of trophic ulcers, infected and purulent wounds, bedsores, frostbite, diaper rash, purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, chemical, thermal, radiation burns I-III art. This type of bandage Vecoplan provides both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect; the Bandage with ointment 5% dioksidina providing persistent antimicrobial protection, used for the treatment of deep and superficial infected, purulent and nonhealing wounds; Vocopro Bandage with ointment 10% is applied topically, stimulating the regeneration process is used to accelerate healing clean, granulating and slowly healing wounds, including burns, dermatitis, scars, boils and photo
The use of Voskopran wipes is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to the coating components, especially to beekeeping products. Bandages with dioxydin should not be used in nursing women and during pregnancy, as well as with insufficient adrenal function.
Side effects
When using wipes Voskopran side effects are not recorded.
How to take, course of use and dosage
The napkin of the wax wound after opening is applied so that it protrudes 0.5 cm beyond the edges of the wound surface. The second protective layer is removed a few minutes after application. In the absence of inflammatory foci, the bandage can be left until it is completely healed. According to the reviews of Voskopran, after the wound heals, it naturally departs from it, leaving no scars.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
Without a prescription
After injuries, After surgery
For men, For women
10 x 10
Form of production
Fortification, Antimicrobial
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