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Yunona Bio-T Ag coil T contraceptive, intrauterine simurge
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See the Description tab.
- The ‘Yunona Bio-T’ contraceptive is a classic model of a T-shaped medical IUD.
- The anchor is made of high-pressure polyethylene and has a shape with specified mechanical characteristics. The horizontal shoulders of the IUD end in olives. A copper wire is placed around the vertical rod. At the end of the rod is a loop for attaching two transcervical threads.
- Anchor length 36 mm, width 32 mm. The area of the copper braid is 380 mm. In the Yunona Bio-T Ad model, a silver core with a diameter of 0.1 mm is inserted into the copper wire, which increases the life of the contraceptive.
- The degree of purification of the copper coating is 99.998%, the diffusion rate of Cu2 + ion release is 10-15 micrograms / day.
- The IUD is supplied in a blister pack complete with a 4.5 mm diameter polymer insertion tube and a plunger. The insertion tube has a movable plastic limiter to indicate the depth of insertion of the tool and the direction of the opening plane of the armature shoulders.
- Sterilization – gamma irradiation.
- Maximum duration of application: 7-8 years.
- The recommended technique of use is the ‘withdrawal’ method.
- A distinctive feature of the IUD series ‘Yunona Bio-T’ is the preservation of a constant and independent of uterine contractions, the force at the contact points of the contraceptive shoulders and the endometrium, which ensures an optimal spatial location of the product in the uterine cavity (high standing of the contraceptive and its pressing to the bottom of the uterus during physiological contractions).
Device type
Intrauterine T-shaped contraceptive
- A woman’s desire to protect herself from pregnancy.
- Treatment and prevention of Asherman syndrome.
- As a post-coital IUD (can be administered within 3-4 days after unprotected sexual intercourse).
A distinctive feature of this contraceptive is the provision of constant, optimal, regardless of the size of the uterus, effort at the points of contact of the IUD and the uterine mucosa, which provides versatility – the possibility of using this contraceptive for any woman.
Special instructions
Intrauterine contraception is the introduction of small-sized devices (IUDs) into the uterine cavity. The period of adaptation of the body to the IUD lasts about 3 months. Immediately after installing an intrauterine contraceptive, you may be concerned about minor spotting from the genital tract, small pain in the lower abdomen, which should pass in 2-3 days. To relieve pain, you can take 1-2 tablets of analgin or aspirin. During 8-10 days, it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity, increased physical activity, sports, visiting the bath, sauna. Even if you feel well, you should see the doctor who administered the IUD after 10 days.
Within 2-3 months after the introduction of the IUD into the uterus, menstruation may be more abundant and prolonged, sometimes there is a slight spotting from the genital tract between menstrual bleeding. During menstruation, it is advisable to pay attention to sanitary pads in order to notice the loss of a spiral with menstrual discharge in time. You should have repeated examinations with a gynecologist 1,3,6 months after the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, then 1-2 times a year during the entire time of using the IUD.
When using intrauterine contraception, you must follow the usual hygienic regime. However, as with any modern method of pregnancy prevention, complications may occur: delayed menstruation (very rarely pregnancy can occur)pain in the lower abdomen, pain during sexual intercourse, fever, unusual discharge from the genital tract (signs of the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitals)after three months, menstruation remains long, plentiful, there is weakness, a feeling of malaise (signs of impaired adaptation to the IUD). If these signs appear, you should see a doctor immediately. After the period of use of the IUD, which the doctor indicated to you, the contraceptive must be removed. If you like this method of contraception and would like to continue it, after a preliminary examination on the day of removal of the ” old ” IUD, you can install a new one.
Remember that you can remove the intrauterine device at any time you want. This method of pregnancy prevention does not affect the childbearing function (pregnancy can occur immediately after the IUD is removed, regardless of the duration of its use). The IUD is easily and painlessly removed from the uterus, but you should not do it yourself.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place, protected from light.
Active ingredient
Silver proteinate
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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