Product description
dietary supplements. It is not a medicinal product
The sourdough contains live thermophilic lactobacilli of the following strains:
Streptococcus thermophilus,
Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
1 g of sourdough contains at least 10 ^ 11 colony-forming units.
Recommendations for use
Mix a bag of Kaprin sourdough for yogurt “YOGO” in 1-3 liters of milk (before making yogurt, it must be boiled and cooled).
Keep the resulting mixture for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 38-42°C (you can use a slow cooker or yogurt maker).
After the product has acquired a thick consistency, the yogurt is ready to eat.
Individual intolerance to the components.
The microorganisms that make up the sourdough are an important component of the intestinal microbiocenosis. S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus inhibit the development of pathogenic flora, improve immunity, digestive and absorption processes, process lactose, so the final product can be used for lactase deficiency.
– improvement of the qualitative and functional composition of the intestinal microflora;
– suppression of the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
– pronounced immunostimulating effect;
– neutralization of toxins and toxins;
– noticeable improvement in the condition of intestinal complications, as well as when taking antibiotics and other strong drugs.
Kaprina YOGO sourdough is a product for making a delicious and healthy natural drink that is suitable for people of all ages.
For several years now, natural sourdough Caprina for yogurt has been successfully used in dietary, therapeutic and preventive nutrition. The price of homemade yogurt turns out to be no higher than store analogues, but at the same time it is ten times more useful for the body. Here are just some of the benefits: :
• due to its excellent taste natural yogurt loved by children and adults;
• included in the part of the drug microorganisms are beneficial to the gut, saving and restoring the microflora, so the yogurt used successfully in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, including after antibiotic therapy;
• Kaprina starter culture for yogurt, that you can, even for children from the first months of life and nutrition of pregnant women, contains no chemicals and preservatives.
Storage conditions
Bags of sourdough and ready-made yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator.
Expiration date
The shelf life of dry sourdough is 12 months. Ready-made yogurt can be stored for no more than three days.
Conditions of release from pharmacies
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